Christian Petzold
18 mars 2024
Avant de commencer à explorer la belle ville de Barcelone et de vous immerger dans sa culture, il est essentiel de bien connaître les taxis barcelonais....
Christian Petzold
13 mars 2024
Si vous prévoyez de vous rendre à Barcelone au mois de mai, vous allez être comblé. La ville commence à se réchauffer, offrant un mélange parfait de...
Christian Petzold
8 mars 2024
Voyagez sans souci à Barcelone grâce aux options pratiques de stockage des bagages de la gare de Sants. Sécurisées, accessibles et dotées d'un système de sécurité moderne, ces installations vous permettent...
Christian Petzold
mars 4, 2024
Welcome to Barcelona, a city rich in culture and history, where every corner offers a new adventure. As you embark on your journey through this…
Christian Petzold
décembre 14, 2023
Get ready for the holidays in Barcelona! Barcelona is a beautiful city that's perfect for those wanting to experience the winter holiday season. With its…
Christian Petzold
"What's so special about Barcelona in November?" The answer is easy: The people you will meet, the places you will see, and the way that…
Christian Petzold
Nothing can be more natural than spending time in Barcelona in August. That is because, during this month, the city has a lively street culture…
Christian Petzold
Too many poor, naive souls show up to the club at 11 and expect to leave by 3, but boy are they in for a…
Christian Petzold
décembre 13, 2023
July is unquestionably one of the best times to visit Barcelona. Summer is a good time for visitors to travel since the days are longer,…
Christian Petzold
décembre 9, 2023
Coming to a city that is full of so many different opportunities like Barcelona but only having the weekend to explore everything can be a…