Barcelona Weather By Month : A quoi s'attendre lors de votre visite

Christian Petzold

Publié le 22 mars 2024
barcelone météo par mois

Vous rêvez de flâner sur Las Ramblas, de siroter une sangria et de profiter du soleil dans la belle ville de Barcelone ? Permettez-moi de vous en rapprocher.

En tant que passionnée de voyages qui a passé des années à voyager, j'ai appris que lorsqu'il s'agit de vacances, le choix du moment est primordial - surtout si votre destination a un climat aussi varié que celui de Barcelone.

Dans cet article, nous allons nous pencher sur le climat de Barcelone, mois par mois ! Que vous cherchiez à éviter le soleil brûlant de l'été ou les averses de la saison des pluies, comprendre le climat de Barcelone vous aidera à faire en sorte que votre voyage ne soit rien de moins qu'extraordinaire.

Comprendre le climat de Barcelone : Vue d'ensemble

barcelone météo par mois

La ville de Barcelone est réputée pour son architecture enchanteresse, sa culture vibrante et sa cuisine délectable. Cependant, le véritable charme de ce joyau espagnol réside dans son climat - le Météo de Barcelone offre une grande variété d'expériences.

Pendant les mois d'hiver (décembre à février), les températures chutent gracieusement entre 8°C et 15°C. C'est une saison qui confère à Barcelone une allure mystique, avec des matins brumeux qui se transforment en après-midi ensoleillés.

Fait : Bien qu'il s'agisse de l'hiver, il neige rarement !

Au printemps (de mars à mai), le climat de Barcelone passe d'une douce fraîcheur à une chaleur réconfortante. Le printemps peint la ville d'un éventail de couleurs, les fleurs s'épanouissant sous un ciel bleu clair et des températures modérées allant de 12°C à 20°C.

Alerte à l'humour léger : Il se peut que vous tombiez amoureux de Barcelone au printemps.

Les mois d'été (de juin à août) mettent en valeur le climat de Barcelone, qui brille de tous ses feux, comme ses plages baignées de soleil. Les températures montent jusqu'à 30 degrés Celsius pendant les jours les plus chauds, mais la plupart du temps, elles tournent autour de 20 degrés ; c'est le moment idéal pour aller à la plage.

Remarque : N'oubliez pas votre SPF !

L'automne (septembre-novembre) est sans doute l'une des meilleures périodes pour découvrir le climat de Barcelone, grâce à des fluctuations agréables entre des journées chaudes et des soirées plus fraîches allant généralement de 14° C à 23° C, ce qui en fait une période idéale pour visiter la ville.

Ainsi, quelle que soit la période de l'année à laquelle vous choisissez de vous rendre, le climat de Barcelone est toujours prêt à vous accueillir à bras ouverts.

Météo de Barcelone par mois : Aperçu et prévisions

barcelona in january


Le climat de Barcelone, en particulier en janvier, est un délicieux mélange de températures douces et de soleil hivernal.

Malgré la froideur traditionnelle de la saison, ce joyau espagnol offre une chaleur qui séduit à la fois les habitants et les touristes, incarnant le climat agréable de Barcelone.

Une journée typique oscille entre 8°C (46°F) et 15°C (59°F), ce qui constitue un excellent climat pour explorer la ville sans avoir à porter trop de couches de vêtements. Que vous vous promeniez sur la Rambla ou que vous visitiez des sites emblématiques comme la Sagrada Familia, vous trouverez l'atmosphère agréablement fraîche plutôt que glaciale.

En ce qui concerne les précipitations pendant cette période, il est important de noter que si le temps à Barcelone peut être parfois imprévisible, le mois de janvier est relativement moins pluvieux que d'autres villes européennes.

Reflétant le climat typique de Barcelone, la ville bénéficie de journées plus sèches, propices aux activités de plein air ! La ville reçoit des précipitations moyennes d'environ 37 mm réparties sur six jours - une petite bruine qui n'entame pas les esprits.

N'oubliez donc pas votre parapluie, au cas où, mais n'oubliez pas que les nuages ne sont pas toujours synonymes d'ennui.

  • Le nombre d'heures de clarté varie généralement entre neuf et dix,
  • Les matinées sont généralement fraîches et les maxima de l'après-midi atteignent leur maximum vers midi,
  • Les couchers de soleil sont d'une beauté à couper le souffle,

Ce motif confère un charme supplémentaire au climat barcelonais de janvier.

En effet, "un peu froid"Le terme "neige" est peut-être celui qui décrit le mieux la situation : assez pour des écharpes douillettes, mais pas besoin de bottes de neige.
Aussi glacé qu'une glace ? Pas du tout ! Il s'agit plutôt d'un chocolat chaud parfait, qui vous réchauffe comme il se doit.


barcelona in february

Au cœur de l'hiver, le climat de Barcelone subit une transformation subtile qui ne fait que renforcer son charme. Le mois de février présente un mélange unique de froid doux et de soleil occasionnel.

Les températures moyennes oscillent autour de 15°C (59°F), ce qui en fait la période idéale pour ceux qui préfèrent la fraîcheur à la chaleur étouffante. La ville est moins fréquentée, ce qui vous permet d'explorer des sites emblématiques tels que le parc Guell et la Sagrada Familia sans avoir à affronter des foules de touristes.

Le bulletin météorologique de Barcelone indique également quelques pluies en février. Les habitants de la ville porteront des trenchs élégants et brandiront des parapluies colorés pour se protéger de la bruine. Cela n'entame en rien l'esprit de Barcelone ! Les activités d'intérieur abondent, allant de la découverte de musées de classe mondiale comme le Museu Picasso à la dégustation de tapas alléchantes dans des bistrots accueillants.

  • La plage de température : 8°C - 15°C (46°F - 59°F)
  • Précipitations moyennes : Environ 37 mm répartis sur six jours.

Si vous envisagez de visiter cette ville dynamique pendant cette période, vous pouvez améliorer votre expérience en comprenant les nuances de la météo de Barcelone par mois, en particulier en février.

Faites vos valises en conséquence. Les couches sont essentielles en cette saison, tout comme un imperméable ou un parapluie de bonne qualité. Ne vous laissez pas décourager par ces averses : vous vous souvenez de ce que l'on dit sur le fait que la vie ne consiste pas à attendre que l'orage passe, mais à apprendre à danser sous la pluie ?

À Barcelone, même Mère Nature se joint à la fête avec son saupoudrage, ce qui donne du rythme ! En conclusion,Barcelone en février offre un mélange éclectique de soleil, de pluie et d'exploration culturelle. C'est le moment idéal pour s'immerger dans l'esprit vibrant de la ville sans avoir à affronter les foules de l'été.


Barceloneta Beach In March

Les premières lueurs du printemps arrivent en mars, transformant le paysage urbain en une palette vibrante. Le climat barcelonais révèle sa nature capricieuse alors que l'hiver se retire lentement pour laisser place à une chaleur naissante. Alors que les bourgeons apparaissent sur les arbres qui bordent les rues animées, Barcelone se repeint sous un soleil plus doux.

Notably, occasional rain showers remind us of their presence; but they also enrich the city’s greenery and amplify its beauty.

Morning Chills & Afternoon Warmth

In the early mornings, one can feel lingering traces of winter chill; however, as the day progresses towards afternoon, it becomes noticeably warmer – an inviting call to explore Gaudi’s masterpieces or enjoy lunch at an outdoor café.

This unpredictable yet fascinating fluctuation keeps life interesting for both locals and tourists. A light jacket would suffice to navigate through this transition comfortably!

Nightfall Serenity

Come dusk, the sky transforms into an artist’s canvas arrayed with hues from lavender to deep blue. Despite what some might think about Barcelona weather, evenings are pleasantly cool rather than cold during March.

This creates perfect conditions for peaceful walks along Barceloneta Beach or strolls around Gothic Quarters.


barcelona in april

While many tourists flock to Barcelona during the summer months, seasoned travelers know that April is a delightful time to visit.

The Barcelona weather by month can be unpredictable, but springtime brings with it warmer days and blooming flowers. As winter’s chill retreats, temperatures steadily climb into the balmy 60s (Fahrenheit), offering an appealing climate for outdoor exploration without the suffocating heat of July and August.

April also sees a floral explosion as parks burst into vibrant colors – from Parc de la Ciutadella’s lush greenery dotted with pink blossoms to Montjuic’s stunning hillside gardens.

The beauty of Barcelona’s weather by month is its ability to transform these urban oases into ever-changing landscapes.

In a tongue-in-cheek manner, one might say, even Mother Nature herself takes up residence in this Catalonian capital just for the joyous unveiling of spring.

Nonetheless, you should still bring along your umbrella when visiting in April. Despite its reputation for showers, “Abril aguas mil” (a local saying meaning ‘April thousand waters’), there’s plenty more than raindrops falling on Las Ramblas – it’s also raining events.

Indeed, experiencing the dynamic shifts in Barcelona weather by month adds layers upon layers of depth to your cultural immersion. The Sant Jordi Festival turns streets into open-air book markets, and Easter processions bring solemnity to the festivities.


barcelona in may

Barcelona is a delight to visit during any season. However, Barcelona weather varies greatly and it truly shines in the merry month of May. With delightful temperatures averaging around 20°C (68°F), you can expect pleasant warmth without the stifling heat that midsummer often brings.

In May, Barcelona’s azure skies are typically clear or partly cloudy, providing an idyllic backdrop for architectural marvels such as La Sagrada Familia or Park Güell. This time is perfect for outdoor activities like beach volleyball at Nova Icaria Beach or peaceful strolls along Las Ramblas.

  • Average High Temperature: 21°C (70°F)
  • Average Low Temperature: 13°C (55°F)
  • Sea Temperature: 18°C (64°F)
  • Sunshine Hours: Approximately 10 hours per day

If one were to playfully personify the climate here; then May would be considered a generous host inviting guests with open arms into its magical world!

Statistics aside though – what makes the Barcelona weather spectacular in May isn’t just about numbers but also about the vibrant atmosphere it creates throughout the city.

Packed with music festivals such as Primavera Sound and cultural events like Nit dels Museus – where museums open their doors till late night free of charge – there’s no shortage of entertainment possibilities under these blissful climatic conditions!

In conclusion, if you’re planning your trip according to how Barcelona weather by month is, May should be high on your list. With its agreeable temperatures, ample sunshine and lively events – Barcelona in May provides a perfect environment for exploratory adventures!


barcelona in june

As spring gives way to summer, Barcelona weather begins to heat up. June is usually the time when locals and tourists alike are treated to the Mediterranean city’s most delightful temperatures. The average highs hover around a comfortable 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit), making it ideal for daytime explorations.

Evenings may require nothing more than a light cardigan as temperatures rarely dip below 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). When considering Barcelona’s weather by month, one must also take into account rainfall.

In June, the city enjoys approximately ten hours of sunshine each day with minimal precipitation. On average, there are only six rainy days throughout this entire month.

This means you can plan your outdoor activities without much worry about being rained out. However, despite the welcoming warmth and clear skies that characterize Barcelona weather in June, visitors should remember their sun protection essentials.

The UV index can be quite high during this period so don’t forget your sunscreen!

With just enough information and preparation, experiencing June in Barcelona could be an unforgettable journey filled with sunny memories. Moreover, when delving deeper into Barcelona’s weather by month, July and August showcase the peak of the summer season.

These months often feature higher temperatures and a lively atmosphere throughout the city, perfect for beach-goers and night owls.


july in barcelona

When you consider the allure of Barcelona weather, July inevitably stands out as a beacon of Mediterranean brilliance.

A time when the city basks under an azure canopy, with temperatures averaging between 23°C to 30°C (73°F – 86°F). The sun is not shy about showing off its golden rays, often shining for up to ten hours each day.

This climatic radiance transforms the Catalan capital into a veritable summer paradise where sandy beaches like Barceloneta and Nova Icaria become enticing havens for both locals and tourists alike.

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself drawn towards them, their warm sands offering a delightful contrast against the cool sea waves. However, it’s worth noting that while Barcelona weather can be quite predictable during July, there are still occasional surprises. For instance:

  • Tropical-like evening thunderstorms may break out unexpectedly.
  • The humidity level can soar past comfortable levels after midday.
  • An odd phenomenon known as the ‘oven effect’ could make nights warmer than days!

But don’t let these minor quirks dissuade you! They add just enough spice to keep things interesting without taking away from Barcelona’s charm in July. Remember though — hydration is key during this peak summer period to ensure your experience remains pleasant amidst all that heat!

So whether you’re an avid beach-goer or simply looking forward to exploring Gaudi’s architectural masterpieces under clear skies, Barcelona weather in July truly offers something for everyone. Just remember that saying about mad dogs and Englishmen.


barcelone en août

The Barcelona weather by month reveals a unique pattern, particularly in August, which offers a thrilling blend of brilliant sunshine interspersed with sporadic rain showers. The city basks under the golden rays for most of the day, lending an ethereal charm to its picturesque landscapes.

With temperatures often soaring above 30°C (86°F), it’s a time when locals and tourists alike flock to Barcelona’s stunning beaches for some sun-soaked relaxation. But don’t forget your umbrella! There are occasional surprise rain showers that break out amidst the sun-filled days, bestowing a refreshing respite from the heat.

Balmy Evenings

In contrast to the daytime heat, evenings during this period offer cooler climes making sightseeing more pleasurable. As the Barcelona weather transitions into a milder phase post-sunset in August, it’s also an ideal time for alfresco dining or strolls along the vibrant Las Ramblas street.

Sporadic Rainfall

‘Rain’ may seem like an unexpected guest during the summer months; however, Barcelona’s weather is known for its unpredictability.

In August too, you can expect sporadic showers adding to its allure. Don’t let these few droplets dampen your spirits though – as they say in Spain: “La vida es como la bicicleta, para mantener el equilibrio debes seguir adelante”, which translates as “Life is like riding a bicycle – to keep your balance you must keep moving”.

So grab that umbrella and continue exploring.


barcelone en septembre

Allow me to paint a vivid picture of the Barcelona weather, particularly focusing on the enchanting transition into autumn that takes place in September. As summer starts bidding adieu, Mother Nature begins crafting an appealing tapestry with milder temperatures and cooler breezes over Barcelona.

The average temperature hovers around a comfortable 24°C (75°F), making it an ideal time for exploring this cosmopolitan city without breaking much sweat.

There is something rather poetic about how the warmth gradually recedes, replaced by inviting coolness, characteristic of the Barcelona weather by month transition. In terms of precipitation, September marks the onset of occasional rainfall which further enhances the allure of autumn landscapes.

Rainfall averages: About 85mm spread across six days. This means you can expect some rainy days but nothing formidable enough to hinder your plans. Soaking up Barcelona’s architectural marvels under soft drizzles has its unique charm! However, always keep an umbrella handy because when it comes to Barcelona weather by month, surprises are part and parcel.

Lastly, if you thought only sunny summers could offer lovely beach outings in Barcelona – think again! With approximately 8 hours of sunshine per day even in September, dips in Mediterranean waters are still quite enjoyable.

To sum it up: whether you’re strolling through Gothic Quarter or lounging at Barceloneta Beach – be prepared to savor every bit; after all, Barcelona weather is a sensory experience!


barcelona in october

Barcelona, often known for its vibrant summer festivities, transforms into a serene spectacle as October rolls in. The city embraces the fall season with cooler temperatures and stunning hues of autumn colors that paint the urban landscape.

The Barcelona weather during this period is moderate, making it an ideal time for outdoor exploration. As locals bid farewell to the heatwave of August and September starts cooling down, October presents itself as a relief from the scorching summers.

The average temperature ranges between 14°C (57°F) at night to 24°C (75°F) during daytime.
This makes strolling through Gaudí’s Park Güell or along the beachfront more leisurely given the mild Barcelona weather.

Humorously speaking, you can leave your sunscreen behind but not your umbrella because light showers are common in October!

  • The humidity levels slightly peak.
  • Rainfall can reach up to 87mm over seven days throughout this month.

However, don’t let this dampen your spirit – it only adds charm to Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter or Picasso Museum visit! Remembering these facts about Barcelona weather will help ensure you’re well-equipped for an unforgettable trip.

November and December

november and december in barcelona

When one thinks of the Barcelona weather, images of sun-soaked beaches come to mind, yet November brings a different charm. The temperature dips, infusing a chilly breeze into the otherwise warm air. Wrapped in cozy layers, locals and tourists hit charming cafes serving hot chocolate with churros – a quintessential Catalan treat for cold days.

The city streets start to shimmer as early preparations for Christmas begin with twinkling lights adorning the bustling La Rambla.

As we transition into December, Barcelona weather takes on an even cooler shade. Daytime temperatures hover around 15°C (59°F), while nights can drop to 8°C (46°F) – perfect for indulging in heartwarming Spanish stews known as “cocidos”.

An interesting fact is that snowfall is rare but not unheard of! To inject some humor here, it seems like Barcelona’s version of Winter Wonderland involves sand castles instead of snowmen!

  • Festive markets spring up across the city.
  • Cathedral Square hosts ‘Fira de Santa Llucia’, one of Spain’s oldest Christmas markets dating back to 1786.

Finally, whether you’re shopping at festive markets or sipping mulled wine at cosy bars; experiencing Barcelona weather, especially during November and December gives you an extraordinary blend of vibrancy and tranquility.

This unique concoction provides visitors with experiences far removed from their typical beachy expectations.

In essence, visiting Barcelona during these months allows travelers to enjoy local traditions amidst sparkling cityscape views enhanced by cool winter evenings – truly a magical time worth exploring!


Barcelona’s weather varies by month, with warm summers (June-August) around 28°C and mild winters (December-February) averaging 15°C.

Spring and autumn are transitional seasons with moderate temperatures. Rainfall is infrequent but most common in October. Always check updates for accurate forecasts.

Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Faits amusants

Barcelona, a city known for its vibrant culture and stunning architecture, has an equally fascinating weather story.

The heart of winter in January is mild by most standards with temperatures hovering around 15°C (59°F) during the day – perfect for strolling through the Gothic Quarter without needing to bundle up too much!

When summer rolls around, you’ll find July sizzling with average highs soaring to about 30°C (86°F). This balmy weather makes it ideal for lounging on the sandy beaches of Barceloneta or exploring Park Guell under bright blue skies.

October brings a pleasant surprise as Barcelona bids farewell to summer’s fury. Temperatures dip down to pleasing averages between 14-23°C (57-73°F), creating sublime conditions for meandering through art-filled streets or sampling tapas at bustling outdoor markets!

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